Thursday 12 December 2013

Style sheet and business card

Once i had finished creating my logo RANDM CREATIONS i then created a branding sheet and a business card to go along side. This was to show off my brand and the different variations and specifications of the logo.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Extra asset work and logo design

Once i finished the coloured designs i then added a few extra pages explaining various parts of the characters back story and there skills, I also created a logo for the team of characters and explained each part of it in detail using annotations. 

The Coloured design sheets

Once the outline was finished and cleaned up i then began to add colour and annotations to the design sheets. Its is important to annotate your designs as this shows people your intentions, decisions and ideas behind the concept art.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

3rd character outlined

The third character is now finished and outlined, colour will now be added to all the designs sheets so that they have a consistent layout and set of colour schemes

This is the character outline with various assets attached to the body

Asset belt with chemical potion containers and item bags

Pressurized walking spike 

Chemical container

Foldable Pitchfork